Is Your Business


Or Heading To Fail?


This is a small intimate event limited to just 5 people.

Check the available dates below

Are you a feeling exhausted by the feast or famine rollercoaster of business? And feeling trapped in the daily grind? Do You want My Scale Up Secrets?

You started your business with big dreams. Freedom. Financial success. Making a real impact, and income.

But now? You're drowning in a sea of endless tasks. Your phone never stops ringing. Team issues eat up your day. And forget about a personal life – your business has consumed it entirely, and may even be putting your heath at risk if you carry on this way!

Sound familiar? You're not alone...

I'm Paul, and I've been exactly where you are. Years ago, I was that stressed-out business owner, working 80-hour weeks, missing time with my family, and wpusing my body so hard my heart stopped for 4.5 mins on Sunday night from the stress!

Then I discovered the scale up secret.

A framework so powerful, it transformed my chaotic business into a smooth-running, profit-generating machine. And the best part? I got my life and health back on track so I have the energy to thrive.

Over the past 20 years I've been testing this framework with my private clients in my high ticket masterminds and the results are INSANE!

So I'm dong something crazy....and making this more accessible for everyone.

You see I never intended on keeping this a secret. I just want to make sure my framework was 100% PROVEN first before I opened it up.

And now I KNOW, this is the ONLY formula you need to ScaleUp Your business to exponential heights!


ScaleUp Boardroom

Your One-Day Business Transformation Experience

This is unlike ANY boardroom you've been in before.

This isn't just a passive business meeting where you listen to someone speak at you. It's a hands-on, transformative experience held in the intimate setting of my home. You'll leave with a concrete action plan tailored to your business.

Don't let the short time frame fool you. This isn't your standard 'skim-the-surface' event.

If you know me, you'll know I don't do 'fluff'.

And this event is packed with more value than I have EVER given away at this price point before.

This is Perfect for You if...

  • You're working more than 50 hours a week in your business

  • You can't remember the last time you took a vacation and actually switched off

  • You're struggling with inconsistent cash flow

  • Growing your team feels like a constant uphill battle

  • You're struggling to keep up with rapidly changing technology and are feeling left behind in the digital transformation

  • The thought of scaling your business as it is right now fills you with dread as you are already exhausted.

The 5 Steps to ScaleUp Success You'll learn AND Get Coaching On In Just ONE Day!

Strategy & Structure

Create a rock-solid business foundation that supports explosive growth so that you can confidently chart a clear path for your business's future, make informed decisions swiftly, and create a scalable organisation that can handle rapid growth without chaos.

Customers & Cashflow

Unlock hidden revenue streams and turn customers into raving fans so you can consistently increase your profit margins, weather economic uncertainties with ease, and build a loyal customer base that fuels your business's long-term success.

Assets & Automation

Leverage technology to do more with less so you can reclaim your time, reduce operational costs significantly, and scale your business operations without proportionally increasing your workforce or overhead.

Leadership & Leverage

Transform yourself into the visionary leader your business needs to reach new heights. Master these leadership principles so that you can build a high-performing team that shares your vision, make strategic decisions that have exponential returns, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Execution & Exit-Planning

Discover how to build a business that's not just successful today but positioned for a lucrative exit when the time is right, so you can consistently hit your business targets, outmanoeuvre your competition, and ultimately create a business asset that's highly valuable and attractive to potential buyers or investors, securing your financial future.


Not only do you get access to my ScaleUp Formula, you'll also unlock direct access to

Two Decades of Leadership Coaching

This isn't my first rodeo. I haven't just taken an online course in business and now call myself a business coach. I have specialised in mentoring entrepreneurs and CEOs for the past 20 years, and my understanding of business and leadership challenges has shaped many founders' careers, driving growth, operational excellence and profitability.

Track Record of Million-Pound Scale Up Successes and Client Exits

The strategies you will be learning have been key in helping over 550 companies reach £1 million in revenue. My methods and understanding of market trends allow businesses to scale successfully, transforming potential into profit and promoting sustainable growth in competitive markets.

Personal Business Strategies & Tips

This isn't a cookie cutter course that you need to try and shoe horn your business into. You will get tailored strategic advice according to YOUR individual goals and market conditions. Together we will craft bespoke solutions to strengthen your capabilities and overcome your unique obstacles, so you can leave with full confidence and clarity on the next steps you need to take. In fact I ask you to fill in a questionaire before you come so I know what you Need!


4.9/5 star reviews

ScaleUp Boardroom

Spend the day with me in my home with just a handful of other high performers and experience the unique power of the #1 Boardroom for Serious Business Owners

Normally, accessing this level of business transformation would cost upwards of £10,000.

But because I'm passionate about helping fellow business owners break free from the owner's trap, I'm offering this exclusive, one-day intensive for just £497

Here's what you get:

  • 12 month access to my exclusive ScaleUP community (£497/year value)

  • Access to my 7 Steps to 7 Figures book AND Digital Course (£997 Value)

  • Contribution Compass Report plus £200 Team Report AND Debrief (£400 Value)

  • 90 days 'post event' Whatsapp support with Paul to ensure clear implementation of the strategies learned - Value PRICELESS


Today Just

£497 + VAT

Choose your date below:


"Paul's coaching has helped us more than double the business from £1.5m to over £3m"



Here's Everything You Get

Access to my 7 Steps to 7 Figures book AND Digital Course

(£997 Value)

Dive deep into the proven methodology that has helped countless entrepreneurs achieve seven-figure success. Get instant access to my bestselling book and accompanying digital course, packed with actionable strategies, case studies, and step-by-step guidance to scale your business to new heights.

12 month access to my exclusive Grown Up Business Community

(£497/year Value)

Immerse yourself in a network of ambitious, growth-focused entrepreneurs for an entire year. Dive into our vault of trainings, gain insights from exclusive webinars, and tap into the collective wisdom of peers facing similar scaling challenges so you grow faster!

Contribution Compass Report plus £200 Team Report AND Debrief

(£400 Value)

This advanced report will not only give you the invaluable knowledge of how to understand your unique character and how to stay in 'flow state' but also how to hire and lead your team based on THEIR unique energies to maximise productivity and team dynamics.

90 Days 'Post Event' Whatsapp Support with Paul to Help Answer Your Implementation Questions


Enjoy direct access to Paul via WhatsApp for an entire week after the event. Get real-time feedback on your implementation strategies, overcome unexpected obstacles with personalised advice, and accelerate your results with expert guidance during this critical period.

Some Awesome testimonials

What our clients are saying

Here's my promise to you

Attend the ScaleUP Boardroom, and within 90 days, you'll:

  • Reduce your working hours by at least 20%

  • Implement systems that boost your cash flow by 25% or more

  • Build a reliable team that runs your business like a well-oiled machine

  • Have a clear, actionable plan for doubling your business in the next 18 months

Charlie said "My day with Paul was a total game changer and we have scaled up more in 6 months than we have in the last 6 years !"


WARNING: This event will fill up FAST!

I'm limiting attendance to ensure everyone gets personal attention. Usually these intimate events sell out within 48 hrs.

Don't let this opportunity slip away. Don't wake up a year from now, still stuck in the same overwhelming routine.

It's time to transform your business and reclaim your life.


Frequently Asked Questions

How many others will be in the room on the day?

We only have space for 5 business owners on the day so this will be a very intimate group of business owners who are all in a very similar place in their business.

Can I bring my team?

Sure, you are welcome to bring along your team members if they are a key part of actioning the strategies we discuss. Due to the size of the room you would be required to book a place for each of the members of your team you want to bring along.

Will you be running these again?

Honestly? We don't know. Paul is maxed out with 1:1 coaching clients and we aren't sure if we will be able to fit this in his schedule long term. So if this feels like the right fit for you and you aren't able to join one of Pauls mastermind programmes we would 100% recommend you take this golden opportunity while it's here.

Spend the day with Paul in his home with just a handful of other high performers and experience the unique power of the

#1 Boardroom for Serious Business Owners


I started teaching my ScaleUp formula over 20 years ago and today this method has not only transformed hundreds of businesses it's also enabled the business owners themselves to get out of the day to day grind and live the life the always dreamed of.

This work can you be truly transformative if you let it and I'm Fired Up To show to how.

10X ROI Guarantee

If you don't Paul showed you how to make 10X from the content and coaching you received at the Boardroom we will refund your money, NO questions asked.

Questions? Whatsapp Becky on 07717 777 285

PAUL AVINS ENTERPRISES © 2024. All Rights Reserved